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Criminal Defense

Blog Posts - Criminal defense

What Are the Different Types of Drug Charges?

The State of South Carolina takes a firm stance against illegal drugs, which means you should take any drug charge that you face extremely seriously. The consequences of a conviction are harsh, and they are more so if you have a prior conviction on your record. The bottom line is...

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Who Can Be a Victim of Domestic Violence?

Virtually anyone can be the victim of domestic violence in South Carolina, but the relationship between the accused and the victim is a primary element of the offense. Domestic violence cases involve legal intricacies that can be very difficult to predict, which makes reaching out for the skilled legal guidance...

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What Are the Penalties for Drug Charges in SC?

South Carolina takes drug charges seriously, and if you’re facing a drug charge in the state, you should do the same. The attendant sentences and penalties for drug charges in South Carolina include some minimum sentences, which means they draw a hard line on these matters. Regardless of the kind...

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What are Common White-Collar Crimes Committed?

A white-collar crime is a non-violent offense that is committed by “white collar” professions, such as business executives and politicians. Each year, there are over 4,100 prosecutions for white-collar offenders. Offenders may be prosecuted in state or federal court, with a federal prosecution usually carrying harsher penalties. If you are...

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