Murrells Inlet Drug Possession Attorney
The State of South Carolina is very serious when it comes to the matter of drug possession charges and has some of the harshest possession laws in the nation. Even a simple possession charge for a small amount of marijuana can derail your future, which makes bringing a strong defense from the outset the best plan of action. Today, consult with an experienced drug possession attorney in Murrells Inlet, SC.
The Charge of Drug Possession
Drug possession charges in South Carolina relate to the illegal possession of controlled substances – whether that means having a drug that is illegal across the board or having a prescription medication that is a controlled substance without the required prescription. While all possession charges are serious, the drug classification and the amount of the drug in your possession will dictate the severity of the charge you face.
Drug Schedules I-V
South Carolina classifies controlled substances in schedules that begin with the most serious drugs, which are the most addictive and have no medical applications, and that extend to less dangerous drugs that have legitimate medical applications. Consider the following:
- Schedule I drugs have no accepted medical use, are highly addictive, and include marijuana, LSD, heroin, and peyote.
- Schedule II drugs have a high-risk factor for abuse and physical or psychological dependence and include cocaine, meth, methadone, Adderall, and Ritalin.
- Schedule III drugs have a moderate to low-risk factor for dependence and include codeine, ketamine, and testosterone.
- Schedule IV drugs have a lower risk of abuse or dependence and include medications like Valium and Xanax.
- Schedule V drugs have the lowest risk of abuse, and most are preparations with smaller quantities of narcotics, such as Lyrica and Motofen.
The charge and the potential penalties you face will directly reflect the schedule and the amount of the controlled substance that is alleged to be in your possession.
Marijuana Charges
Small amounts of recreational marijuana are legal in many states, but South Carolina isn’t one of them. Nevertheless, the state treats marijuana somewhat differently. While it’s classified as a Schedule I drug, a simple possession charge for less than an ounce of marijuana is generally a misdemeanor, which carries up to 30 days in jail and fines of up to $1,000. Fines and penalties, however, increase significantly from here.
It’s Time to Consult with an Experienced Drug Possession Defense Lawyer in Murrells Inlet
If you are facing a drug possession charge of any kind, it is a serious matter that you should take seriously from the start. Matthew Swilley at Swilley Law Firm, LLC – proudly serving Murrells Inlet, SC – is a formidable drug possession lawyer with the experience and legal insight to skillfully defend your rights – in focused pursuit of an optimal case outcome. Your future is too important to ignore, so please don’t hesitate to contact us online or call 843-250-3632 for more information about what we can do to help you today.
Practice Areas
Burglary Charges Domestic Violence Internet Crimes Sex Crimes