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Premises Liability

When the stakes are high, call Swilley Law Firm, LLC. We represent injured people and people accused of crimes in South Carolina.

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Murrells Inlet Premises Liability Attorney

If you or someone you care about is injured by a commercial property owner’s negligence, the losses you experience can be significant, and you’ll face legal challenges on the path forward toward the compensation to which you’re entitled. Fortunately, however, there’s no need to face this journey alone – an experienced Murrells Inlet premises liability attorney is standing by to help.

The Elements of Premises Liability Claims in South Carolina

To bring a successful premises liability claim in South Carolina, you’ll need to prove that each of the following elements apply:

Common Premises Liability Claims

Every premises liability claim is specific to the unique situation and circumstances at hand, but they often fall into categories like slip and fall accidents, injuries caused by inadequate security or inadequate lighting, and losses related to inadequate safety precautions.

When you are going about the activities that make up your day, the last thing you expect is to be hurt in the process. The fact is, however, that property owners who fail to put in the effort necessary to help keep their premises safe put us all at considerable risk. And this applies to a wide range of commercial enterprises that include all the following:

How a Premises Liability Lawyer Can Help

Premises liability law involves challenging intricacies that can be difficult to navigate, but a seasoned premises liability attorney can help in all the following primary ways:

An Experienced Murrells Inlet Premises Liability Attorney Can Help

Matthew Swilley at Swilley Law Firm, LLC, is a dedicated Murrells Inlet premises liability lawyer with a passion for protecting the legal rights of his loyal clients – in pursuit of the compensation they deserve. We’re here for you too, so please don’t wait to contact us online or call us at 843-773-2789 for more information today.